Bastillian Weimaraners were established in 2002 when the Kennel Club granted the Bastillian Affix. The name derives from the birth date of my first wholly owned Weimaraner, Storm, who was born on 14th July that year, which of course is celebrated in some parts as Bastille Day.
However, my involvement with weimaraners began three years earlier when my dear friend acquired her new bitch, Jazz, and I became committed to her well-being and training.
Initially this involvement went down the obedience route for Jazz’s training, which continued with Storm. Although I had an aspiration which dates back from Storm joining the family that would lead to undertaking gundog training with Storm and later owned weimaraners.
Gundog Training led ultimately to success with Storm at Gundog Working Tests held under KC Rules and Regulations, and success in Spring Pointing Tests, Gundog Working Tests and Field Trials with Misty, a later addition to the Bastillian kennel.
Misty, the foundation bitch of Bastillian Weimaraners enjoyed a breakthrough year of success in the field in 2009, which led to a slew of awards from two of the pre-eminent Weimaraner breed clubs in England (see awards section of this site).
In 2010 I retained two puppies, Max and Kassie which I planned to train for gundog fieldwork. In December 2012 we were rewarded with Kassie's first Field Trial Award, a 2nd in a Novice Stake run by the WCGB at the Glassenbury Estate. |
Bastillian Weimaraners is a small kennel, occasionally breeding only when a puppy is desired for myself, and/or when there are genuine enquiries for puppies. Our breeding policy is to have a primary focus on promoting the working characteristics of the breed. |
Gaining an increasing knowledge of the Weimaraner over the years has confirmed and consolidated my belief that the Weimaraner, falling into the gundog subgroup of "dogs which hunt, point and retrieve", (otherwise known as the HPR Group) should be allowed to exercise its natural instincts in the field through work or trials. |
To this end great care is taken with the choice of sire to do the utmost to help preserve and enhance the natural aptitude of the progeny for working. |